Friday, December 10, 2010

Snow and Ice

I'm hoping we're at an end to this unaccustomed snowy beauty.   I'm a bit  chuffed-out, looking at snowy pictures.   The reality of it is a severe dose of cabin-fever - I drove my car for the first time to-day, since last saturday week and I'm looking forward to getting back to class to-morrow.   The main roads were OK to-day, but side roads and pavements were still treacherous.   I went to the library in Drumcondra and had to help a woman cross the road.   She was stuck and couldn't move off the piece of ice she was standing on.   I hung onto a lamp post and gave her my other arm to lean on.  She managed to slide, two-footed, to the kerb and got on to the pavement.   I left her handing on to a railiong - I hope she got home safely.

Roll on Summer!


  1. Mary,

    Surely you are still dreaming of a white Christmas!

  2. (I otice that my typing seems to have suffered - typos in last sentence - hope you got my meaning.

    Reader - you are welcome to a White Christmas, but I think I'll be writing to Santa to keep it dry!
