Thursday, December 23, 2010

Endless snow ...

The'Real Dora' doesn't think much of this at all.   But if you had six-inch legs, you too would complain of having to drag your belly through the snow to do your rounds of the garden.  This morning, all her haunts are still covered in eight inches of virgin snow.  My back garden faces North'East, and hasn't thawed for the past three days, so her investigation of the birds in the trees (mainly magpies which she takes particular exception to), and her sharp warning to the dog next door, who has the cheek to bark when she wants to snooze, have all had to be put on ice, so to speak.   She spends most of the time in her house, whenever she can't get into the kitchen to investigate the cooking smells.  

As for me, I was never so well prepared for Christmas - puddings done, cake iced, presents bought, tree trimmed, cards all posted (in time, this year!).   Now I know why I was always in a heap on Christmas week - too muich galavanting.  I must take a note in my diary for next year - 'Pray for snow,  to keep me in the house'.

Here's my Christmas Wish for you all - (with an appeal for your indulgence - excuse the liberties with the language)

A Happy Christmas, one and all
May your Yuletide be a ball
As the froslty sparkle glitters
(and your money, hard earned,  fritters)
There is nothing half as nice
As mulled wine, well laced with spice.
'Round the festive table gathers
All those loved ones (mums and fathers),
Friends and fam'ly, stories telling,
Some in tune (others yelling!)
Magic mem'ries - Christmas past,
Sure of Santa - can it last?
May the New Year bring you pleasure,
Health and wealth (not too much leisure).
May your path be bright and cheery
Blest with fortune, good and meerry,
Full of laughter, fun and frolic
(not to mention alcoholic)
See the New Year in with glee.
Best wishes to you all - from me!  
(And, no!, I haven't been at the sauce - it's too early in the day!)

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