Saturday, October 30, 2010

Intro to me!

I am an 'older' learner (one of the 'Silver Surfers') and I have been with the ILP since the beginning. 'In the beginning was ILP -- no, I'm getting carried away).

When I am not blogging, I am a mother to my family of sons, daughters-in-law and grandchild (just one).

I love music and often am caught by by son (who lives with me), sitting up half the night either listeningto U Tube favourites or scribbling at my latest effort at literary pursuit.

I grow vegetables in my garden and in my polytunnel.

I am interested in current affairs, particularly that which affects older people. (Watching anxiously for the budget}.


  1. Very good Mary. How does your garden grow at this time. Whats in your polytunnel.

  2. Hi MARY Just Read Your blog and I enjoyed it. Im so impressed with you lovely colorful design! It looks very good indeed. Happy Blogging. See U Saturday! Cheers Nuala Smith

  3. I'm stumbling around here folks!

    Todzer - my polytunnel is finished for now - I have to weed it and manure it for next year. Bet you're jealous!

    Thanks Nuala - see you Sat.
